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Osiris is a Spanish/Portuguese adventure kitty who loves being outside and eating chips, eggs and salmon. 


What is Osiris' favourite thing to do?

Being outdoors and going hiking when it's possible

What is his favourite food? 

Osiris loves chips, eggs and salmon, and obviously wet food and treats!

What kind of cat adventures does Osiris like to go on?

We usually go to the mountains and forests we've got close to our home, in Madrid and Cáceres (Spain), and we have a pending camping trip!

Why did you decide to train Osiris to be a catexplorer?

We found Osiris lost in the country, in the frontier between Spain and Portugal (we don't really know his nationality!).

He was probably born there and he's always liked being outside, although we have a big terrace and he also loves just chilling there.

How did you train your Osiris?

With a lot of love and patience, and letting him do what he loves (he walks slowly, sniffing the plants, the flowers, the earth...), but trying to teach him to keep on the track and carrying him in the backpack when he's tired.


What has been the most rewarding part of having a catexplorer?

Combining two things that I love all together!

What has been the hardest?

We live in a city and this last few months (I should say this last year...) our lives and work have barely allowed us to escape...

Is there another Catexplorer that inspires you?

I started my Instagram account when I discovered @adventuresoffishandchips

Follow Osiris on Instagram: @awesomeworldofosiris